Now that Jammie is home I can let the world know about the garden I planted for her while she was away. I took advantage of a great sale on starters from our favorite local hydroponics and organics garden store, NoDo Hydro, and got several vegetables and herbs.
The list includes: Spinach, Lettuce, Jalapenos, Bell Peppers, Basil, Cucumber, Tomatoes, and Yarrow. I am personally very excited for some bell peppers and perhaps home made salsa from the jalapenos and tomato plants. We will see how the garden produces.
One more for you. Garden, Sunflowers and Grapes all thriving in the beautiful Colorado sun.
Your garden is beautiful and I am so jealous! Nothing tastes better than when its from your own yard and care. You and Jammie have motivated me to start my own as soon as we find a house. :^>