Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The VanAgain

 I figured I would start off the whole blog thing with the thing that has consumed a large portion of my time the past few months.  Jammie and I purchased a 1985 VW Vanagon Westfalia last June nearly 1 year ago.  It is an awesome vehicle that has taken us on one roadtrip so far with many more to come in the near future.

It that 1 year I have managed to double the amount of money invested in the van.  Everything from a new starter and various cosmetic and camper functionality improvements to the most recent addition of a rebuilt GO Westy 2.2 waterboxer engine.  It has been a fun and more importantly, educational journey we hope ends with more sweet road trips and less van maintenance.

Lots of elbow grease, sanding and painting.  The end result is a nice (slightly more)powerful engine, and the beginning of what will likely be a full restoration of the westy.  More tales of VWs beer and bikes coming soon.

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