Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Clever Title Here.

Jammie and I have both been busy working recently, which is a good thing.  We are trying to pay stuff off and save some money for the fall, so we need a much work as we can get.  Sunday I worked a U2 "Tribute" band. (I thought it was cover band while they are still alive and tribute band after they're not.?)  Either way it was terrible, but another day done is how I've started to look at it. 
I bottled some beer yesterday before going to work at the shop.  I hate bottling beer because it is so time consuming and so tedious, but it is the only way I can save beer with all the hooligans around this house.  (Namely my brother who still thinks its OUR beer.)  I have more beer stuff on the to do list as well, which I hope to take care of this evening after work.  I'll let you know how it goes.

One good thing is I think we have found a couple campgrounds we can use as home for the month of August.  One is located in downtown Golden which is city run and right along the creek.  It is not very large but looks pretty nice.  The other campground is in Morrison, also city run I think, but much larger and even more affordable.   Neither one of them take reservations which is less than ideal, but both of them are first come first serve and rather affordable compared to the parking lot campgrounds closer to Denver.  The other attribute that was important was for one of us to be able to moped to work, and both of these are close to Red Rocks.
Wolfgang is prepping to be a beach dog.  He loves the small sandbox area in the yard.
The biggest concern I have with camping for the month of August is the wolfman.  We intend to get a 'drive away canopy' for the westy, so that if and when we sell the Jetta one of us can still take the van to work and Wolfgang can still have somewhere to hang out.  The tent we are looking if you want to check it out: http://busdepot.com/details/addaroom.jsp.  It isn't cheap, but looks like the perfect setup, with awnings you can put out, and a floor.  My only concern is how much camper space it will take up when we are traveling, but we will have to figure that out.  Also how is it that two years in a row I intend to camp in a little van for a month while working?


  1. The tent awning is very cool! I can only imagine how much better camping in a Westy would be with that. I could not see how it attaches to the camper but hopefully well so you dont have rain coming in.
    Good for you~

  2. I cant tell how it attaches either, but I read what someone else said about it and I guess it clamps to the rain gutter on that side similar to all the awnings. I wish I could see it in person, but everything ive read makes it seem like a well built very functional tent/awning. Just a little spendy...

  3. Hope it doesn't get too hot in the tent for Wolf. I saw it's been in the 90s there, yow!
    Are all of you shipping out of the house? What's after August?

  4. I think you will find that it usually cost more to get good quality. Hopefully this one will last...I would be tempted to get the add on room as well at that price. I once priced screen rooms and they were that price range as well. I was also wondering about Wolfgang in a tent during the day. I am sure you have it figured out. I am jealous you get to camp until you no longer want to! Dad is just not having it.
